19 - 20 - 21 NOVEMBER 2024


FAQs - Registration

Your visitor badge is valid for all the exhibition days.

You can register here »

After registration you will receive an email confirmation.

Yes, e-tickets can also be scanned from a smartphone at the entrance. E-tickets are also our preferred choice for environmental reasons.

For questions about ordering tickets or registration, please contact RAI Registration via  registration@rai.nl.

After registration you will receive an email confirmation in which you can request an invitation letter for visa application purposes.

If you have any questions, please contact RAI Registration,  registration@rai.nl.

No, the invitation card is not a ticket.

Please validate your invitation card online at www.metstrade.com with the code on your invitation. You will receive a confirmation and e-ticket by email.

No, this is not necessary if you have a smartphone. You can have your e-ticket scanned at the entrance.

You can order ticket. The e-ticket can be scanned on your smartphone.